The Healthy Habits Popular in 2014
If it is sick you need a lot of time and money to make you healthy again. Therefore it is important to maintain a healthy body by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
There are many ways to implement healthy habits, in 2014 there are some specific trends of healthy living.
Taken from a variety of sources, here I show some healthy habits that are popular in 2014:
• Infused Water
Water is soaked with a piece of fruit or herbs to 'inject' the juices of fruits and herbs are added to the water.
Infused Water is claimed to prevent headaches, soothing mood, boost brain power and lose weight.
• Extract rind
Mangosteen peel extract is a popular advertisement in 2014, the product of similar products are emerging with material from other fruits.
Mangosteen peel extract supplement that was the star because there is a high content of its xanthones.
• Vegetable Juice
The juice is usually made of fruit, but as time goes by now people are also many who mix it with a variety of raw vegetables.
• Diet nuts
For those who implement healthy habits, one of the food that gets the spotlight is nuts, because of the high content of flavonoids in peanut good for digestive health, they usually consumed in the form of milk, mixed with juice or even eat directly.
• Cycling
Now more and more users of bicycles for transportation, because cycling is good for your health, and be able to increase the feeling of happiness.
Read Also :
Senin, 29 Desember 2014
Kebiasaan Sehat Terpopuler di Tahun 2014
Kalau sudah
sakit anda perlu waktu dan uang yang bnyak untuk membuat anda sehat kembali.
Maka dari itu sangatlah penting untuk menjaga keshatan tubuh dengan menerapkan
pola hidup yang sehat.
Ada banyak
cara untuk menerapkan kebiasaan hidup sehat, di tahun 2014 ini ada beberapa
tren hidup sehat tertentu.
Diambil dari
berbagai sumber, berikut saya tampilkan beberapa kebiasaan sehat yang populer
di tahun 2014 :
Merupakan air minum yang direndam dengan potongan buah atau herbal-herbal
untuk ‘menginjeksi’ sari-sari buah dan herbal-herbal tersebut kedalam air.
Infused Water diklaim bisa mencegah sakit kepala, menenangkan suasana
hati, meningkatkan kekuatan otak dan menurunkan berat badan.
kulit buah
Ekstrak kulit buah manggis adalah sebuah iklan yang populer di tahun 2014
ini, produk produk serupa banyak bermunculan dengan bahan dari buah lain.
Suplement ekstrak kulit manggis lah yang menjadi primadona karena ada
kandungan xanthone nya yang tinggi.
Jus biasanya terbuat dari bahan buah-buahan, namun seiring berjalannya
waktu kini orang-orang juga banyak yang mencampurnya dengan berbagai macam
sayur mentah.
Bagi mereka yang menerapkan kebiasaan hidup sehat, salah satu makanan
yang mendapat sorotan adalah kacang-kacangan, karena tingginya kandungan
flavonoid didalam kacang baik untuk kesehatan pencernaan, mereka biasanya
mengkonsumsinya dalam bentuk susu, dicampur dengan jus atau bahkan di makan
secara langsung.
Kini makin banyak para pengguna sepeda untuk sarana transportasi, karena
bersepeda baik untuk kesehatan tubuh, dan bisa untuk meningkatkan rasa bahagia.
Baca Juga :
Minggu, 28 Desember 2014
How to Deal With Drunk Girls in Firefox
Approximately 2 weeks malware or malicious program "Drunk Girl" attack on Facebook. Until now, even this is not yet showing signs of malware will stop attacking.
According Vaksincom Facebook security team could not do anything because the malware does not exploit the application within Facebook. Malware that spread themselves through the existing extension in perambaan.
In the first week of the attack "Drunk Girls", the cyber criminals make their own special extension for Google Chrome with the name Top News.
Once caught they start attacking mozilla firefox.
If the user clicks on the link trap this drunk girl, then he will be redirected phishing sites similar to YouTube, which is addressed in
If the victim clicks the plugin, then he will get a warning from Firefox that will install the software on the computer.
If the warning is ignored, automatically installs firefox extension called Full Screen 4.0.
For mozilla firefox users, Vaksincom advised to perform these steps if already become a victim:
- First open your mozilla firefox
- Then type about: addons in the box go to the website, then enter and will open a page extension.
- Then look for the extension of full screen 4.0 and click the remove.
- There will be a full confirmation screen has been removed, and then restart your firefox.
- To avoid things that are not desirable, immediately change your facebook password.
Read Also :
Approximately 2 weeks malware or malicious program "Drunk Girl" attack on Facebook. Until now, even this is not yet showing signs of malware will stop attacking.
According Vaksincom Facebook security team could not do anything because the malware does not exploit the application within Facebook. Malware that spread themselves through the existing extension in perambaan.
In the first week of the attack "Drunk Girls", the cyber criminals make their own special extension for Google Chrome with the name Top News.
Once caught they start attacking mozilla firefox.
If the user clicks on the link trap this drunk girl, then he will be redirected phishing sites similar to YouTube, which is addressed in
If the victim clicks the plugin, then he will get a warning from Firefox that will install the software on the computer.
If the warning is ignored, automatically installs firefox extension called Full Screen 4.0.
For mozilla firefox users, Vaksincom advised to perform these steps if already become a victim:
- First open your mozilla firefox
- Then type about: addons in the box go to the website, then enter and will open a page extension.
- Then look for the extension of full screen 4.0 and click the remove.
- There will be a full confirmation screen has been removed, and then restart your firefox.
- To avoid things that are not desirable, immediately change your facebook password.
Read Also :
Cara Menangani Gadis Mabuk di firefox
Kurang lebih
2 minggu malware atau program jahat “Gadis Mabuk” menyerang di Facebook. Sampai
saat inipun malware tersebut belum menunjukan tanda akan berhenti menyerang.
Menurut Vaksincom
tim keamanan Facebook tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena malware tersebut tidak
memanfaatkan aplikasi didalam Facebook. Malware itu menyebarkan diri melalui
extension yang ada di perambaan.
Dalam minggu
pertama serangan “Gadis Mabuk” ini, penjahat siber membuat extension sendiri
khusus untuk Google Chrome dengan nama Atas Berita.
Setelah ketahuan
mereka mulai menyerang mozila firefox.
Jika pengguna
mengklik tautan jebakan gadis mabuk ini , maka dia akan diarahkan situs phising
yang mirip youtube, yang beralamatkan di
Jika korban
mengklik plugin, maka dia akan mendapat peringatan dari firefox bahwa akan melakukan instalasi software pada komputer.
Jika peringatan
tersebut diabaikan, secara otomatis firefox akan menginstal extension yang
Full Screen 4.0.
Bagi pengguna
mozila firefox, vaksincom menyarankan untuk melakukan langkah-langkah ini
jikalau sudah terlanjur menjadi korban :
- Pertama buka
mozila firefox anda
- Kemudian ketik
about:addons di kotak go to website, kemudian enter dan akan terbuka halaman
- Lalu cari
extension full screen 4.0 dan klik tombol remove.
- Akan ada
konfirmasi full screen has been removed, kemudian restart firefox anda.
- Untuk menghindari
hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, segera ubah kata sandi facebook anda.
Baca Juga Artikel Berikut :
Minggu, 21 Desember 2014
How to Correct Driving When Rainy Season
The rainy season starts to come and haunt the users of the highway, going to his rider also must compensate by driving behavior, wet asphalt conditions, low visibility, motorists should be alert to it all the more cautious.
This time I will give you some tips on safe driving at the time of the rainy season like this.
Here are his tips for you:
1. Driving carefully and as much as possible to avoid sudden braking and sudden steering distorting because it could destabilize the grip of the vehicle, plus the speed smoothly and brakes before entering a bend.
2. Choose the path as much as possible to avoid a puddle of water, usually belt of central and water tends to gather at the edge of the road. But do not let you inhibit other riders go faster.
3. Keep a safe distance to the vehicle in front to avoid splashing that will make a dirty glass.
4. As much as possible avoid using cruise control or speed controller when you are on wet roads, this technology can speed up or slow down the vehicle to remain in a specified speed, ignition system will detect the slowdown and will try to speed up again. It is feared that the driver will lose complete control of the vehicle.
5. Turn on the headlights during the wet streets to help eyesight when the already low light and foggy, use fog lights if necessary, try not to use hazard lights unless the car into a barrier to avoid another rider.
It was a few tips that can help you drive during the rainy season.
Also read the following article:
The rainy season starts to come and haunt the users of the highway, going to his rider also must compensate by driving behavior, wet asphalt conditions, low visibility, motorists should be alert to it all the more cautious.
This time I will give you some tips on safe driving at the time of the rainy season like this.
Here are his tips for you:
1. Driving carefully and as much as possible to avoid sudden braking and sudden steering distorting because it could destabilize the grip of the vehicle, plus the speed smoothly and brakes before entering a bend.
2. Choose the path as much as possible to avoid a puddle of water, usually belt of central and water tends to gather at the edge of the road. But do not let you inhibit other riders go faster.
3. Keep a safe distance to the vehicle in front to avoid splashing that will make a dirty glass.
4. As much as possible avoid using cruise control or speed controller when you are on wet roads, this technology can speed up or slow down the vehicle to remain in a specified speed, ignition system will detect the slowdown and will try to speed up again. It is feared that the driver will lose complete control of the vehicle.
5. Turn on the headlights during the wet streets to help eyesight when the already low light and foggy, use fog lights if necessary, try not to use hazard lights unless the car into a barrier to avoid another rider.
It was a few tips that can help you drive during the rainy season.
Also read the following article:
Cara Mengemudi
yang Benar Saat Musim Penghujan
Musim hujan
mulai datang dan menghantui para pengguna jalan raya, hendak nya para
pengendara juga harus mengimbangi dengan perilaku mengemudi, kondisi aspal yang
basah, jarak pandang yang pendek , pengendara harus lebih mewaspadai itu semua
dengan lebih berhati-hati.
Kali ini
saya akan memberikan sedikit tips mengemudi yang aman di waktu musim penghujan
seperti ini.
Berikut tips-tips nya untuk anda :
1. Mengemudi secara hati-hati dan sebisa
mungkin menghindari pengereman secara mendadak dan membelokan kemudi secara
mendadak karena bisa menggoyahkan cengkeraman kendaraan, tambah kecepatan
secara halus dan rem sebelum memasuki tikungan.
2. Pilihlah jalur yang sebisa mungkin
terhindar dari genangan air, biasanya dijalur tengah dan air cenderung
berkumpul di tepi jalan. Tapi jangan sampai anda menghambat pengendara lain
yang melaju lebih cepat.
3. Jaga jarak aman dengan kendaraan yang
ada di depan untuk menghindari cipratan yang akan membuat kaca kotor.
4. Sebisa mungkin menghindari penggunaan
cruise control atau pengontrol kecepatan pada saat anda di jalanan basah,
teknologi ini bisa mempercepat atau memperlambat kendaraan untuk tetap dalam
kecepatan yang sudah ditentukan, jika dinyalakan sistem akan mendeteksi
perlambatan dan akan mencoba mempercepat lagi. Dikhawatirkan pengemudi akan
kehilangan kendali sepenuhnya terhadap kendaraannya.
5. Nyalakan lampu utama pada saat
jalanan basah untuk membantu penglihatan mata pada saat sudah minim cahaya dan
berkabut, gunakan lampu kabut jika perlu, usahakan tidak menggunakan lampu
hazard kecuali jika mobil menjadi hambatan yang harus dihindari pengendara
Itu beberapa
tips yang bisa membantu anda mengemudi pada saat musim penghujan.
Baca Juga Artikel Berikut :
Jumat, 19 Desember 2014
Goa-Goa Amazing in Indonesia
Goa is one of God's creation are very intriguing, many types and names throughout the world caves were amazing, in Indonesia has many beautiful caves, this time I will write some of the most beautiful cave in Indonesia.
1. Goa Gong
Goa is very famous in the ears of Indonesian society, this cave has stalactites and stalakmid famous and astounding beauty. This cave is located in Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia.
Many foreign and local tourists who visit it every day of his cave, especially if on the day off.
2. Goa Jatijajar
Located in the district Gombong kebumen close to the city, Central Java. Goa has a legend that Raden legend Kamandaka or Legend Kasarung, the length of the cave is 250 meters.
3. Goa Ngalau Beautiful
This cave is located in the province of West Sumatra Payakumbuh city.
4. Goa Maharani Palace
Goa is strategically located and attractive because it is located near the beach approximately 500 m and is located on the edge of the road Gresik Tuban precisely in the district Paciran Lamongan. One of the natural wonders of the cave that holds the palace empress more specific natural beauty and unique above the average of other tourist cave. In fact, according to prof Dr. KRT.Khoo international experts from foundations speleology perguaan Indonesia in Bogor consider that stalactites and stalagmites in the cave palace of Empress still live by the beauty of this cave can be equated with the caves of Altamira in Spain. Mamonth and Carlsbad cave in. The cave that holds a million beauty of this is dikedalaman 25 m from ground level with 2500 m2 cave cavity.
5. Goa Lawa Purbalingga
GOA Lawa is a natural cave located below ground level on the slopes of Mount Slamet formed from lava flows frozen. located in the village Siwarak District of Karangreja.
Goa Lawa in length with an area of 1.5 KM 5 KM is a cave formed from limestone deposits da frozen lava flows below the ground surface.
Goa is one of God's creation are very intriguing, many types and names throughout the world caves were amazing, in Indonesia has many beautiful caves, this time I will write some of the most beautiful cave in Indonesia.
1. Goa Gong
Goa is very famous in the ears of Indonesian society, this cave has stalactites and stalakmid famous and astounding beauty. This cave is located in Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia.
Many foreign and local tourists who visit it every day of his cave, especially if on the day off.
2. Goa Jatijajar
Located in the district Gombong kebumen close to the city, Central Java. Goa has a legend that Raden legend Kamandaka or Legend Kasarung, the length of the cave is 250 meters.
3. Goa Ngalau Beautiful
This cave is located in the province of West Sumatra Payakumbuh city.
4. Goa Maharani Palace
Goa is strategically located and attractive because it is located near the beach approximately 500 m and is located on the edge of the road Gresik Tuban precisely in the district Paciran Lamongan. One of the natural wonders of the cave that holds the palace empress more specific natural beauty and unique above the average of other tourist cave. In fact, according to prof Dr. KRT.Khoo international experts from foundations speleology perguaan Indonesia in Bogor consider that stalactites and stalagmites in the cave palace of Empress still live by the beauty of this cave can be equated with the caves of Altamira in Spain. Mamonth and Carlsbad cave in. The cave that holds a million beauty of this is dikedalaman 25 m from ground level with 2500 m2 cave cavity.
5. Goa Lawa Purbalingga
GOA Lawa is a natural cave located below ground level on the slopes of Mount Slamet formed from lava flows frozen. located in the village Siwarak District of Karangreja.
Goa Lawa in length with an area of 1.5 KM 5 KM is a cave formed from limestone deposits da frozen lava flows below the ground surface.
See Also :
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